Monday, August 31, 2009

Bill Hicks - Rant in E-Minor

i really don't like most stand up comedy. i love Bill Hicks.

you should probably download this album.

p.s. i just moved to MA, and i don't have internet at my apartment yet. but that will be fixed in the next week! pizza party!
so once that happens, more posts will happen. cross my heart and all that shit. also, the lack of posts has a lot to do with the fact that there really isn't anything out there that i feel is worth posting. at least as far as new releases go. maybe i'm wrong. prove it to me.
it's kind of cool to see where you all hail from. i've been getting a lot of stumbleuponers here.
feel free to say hi and request things!


roldo said...

Thanks for this. Somehow I completely missed Bill Hicks and only got hipped last night when a friend sent me youtube links. Oh well - better late than never.

Anonymous said...

thank you x

Anonymous said...

Thanks! I also am late catching up with this.