Monday, August 31, 2009

Bill Hicks - Rant in E-Minor

i really don't like most stand up comedy. i love Bill Hicks.

you should probably download this album.

p.s. i just moved to MA, and i don't have internet at my apartment yet. but that will be fixed in the next week! pizza party!
so once that happens, more posts will happen. cross my heart and all that shit. also, the lack of posts has a lot to do with the fact that there really isn't anything out there that i feel is worth posting. at least as far as new releases go. maybe i'm wrong. prove it to me.
it's kind of cool to see where you all hail from. i've been getting a lot of stumbleuponers here.
feel free to say hi and request things!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

RIP, Les Paul

Pure genius. Probably unmatched by anyone in the music industry. What a loss.

Nuggets: Original Artyfacts From The First Psychedelic Era [Disk 1]

this the first disk of a crazy 60's psychrock compilation. every song was new to me upon listening. i'll upload the second disk if i find you guys like this stuff. do it upppp

p.s. remember that one time i was gonna post a lot of albums because i have high speed internet? well it turns out that was all a lie. the internet company called us and said ooops, we were sorta joking with you, woodsy folk! sooo that sucks. BUT i'll be moving to mass. in about a week, so then i'll go crazy on you kids with the posts. true story.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros - From Below

i guess i'm feeling the scruffy bearded men bands today (and every day)
these cats are a ten piece band, maybe sort of the folk-rock version of arcade fire.
this music makes you want to bust out your bowl, pile on some wood for a blazing campfire, and invite 20 friends over for a sing along. we've got feel good grooves, here. i highly recommend checkin' on and jivin' 'round to these tracks.

Delta Spirit - Ode To Sunshine

i think this video from La Blogotheque can tell you all you need to know. here's 'trashcan':

for fans of yeasayer, dr. dog, blitzen trapper, portugal. the man
listen, plz.